Cottonwood Ridge, summer 2005

Welcome to my page. This page is devoted to my hikes and climbs over the years, mostly in the Wasatch Mountains of northern Utah. I'm certain no other place in the United States offers the variety of hiking and climbing opportunities so close to a major city. The scenery in the Wasatch is equal to that found in the Tetons, Sierras, or Colorado Rockies. Move the mouse over pictures for descriptions. Dates next to the peak are my first ascent. A plus indicates multiple ascents. This page is best viewed at 800x600 pixels.

Latest Update: 7/31/08 - Posted some videos from 2005 climbs.

Wasatch Summits

Other Attempts

Other Summits

Misc. Trips

Other Stuff

  • Highest in Wasatch
  • List of peaks over 11,000 feet in Wasatch.
  • My family
  • My wife's website with pictures of my two sons.
  • Books
  • Guide books that I highly reccomend.
  • Links
  • Links related to the Wasatch Mountains.
  • E-Mail
  • E-Mail me with questions or comments.